Partnership for Affordable Learning Materials (PALM)

Proposal Elements & Selection Criteria

Selection criteria

Proposals are reviewed by library staff at the libraries of the University of Minnesota. 

Grants will be awarded on the basis of:

  • strength of application and adherence to application requirements (vision of success, intended impact, timeline, and challenges)
  • potential savings to University of Minnesota students
  • positive impact on teaching and learning strategies
  • willingness to partner with UMN libraries and contribute to grant program cohort
  • sustainability of the project for future courses
  • innovative course materials and proposed pedagogical practice
  • use of experiential learning resources (including makerspaces, 3D printing, multimedia production)

Preference given to projects implemented in the 2025-26 academic year.

Proposal Requirements

Applications should be sent to

Before applying, interested parties are strongly encouraged to review the Open Educational Resources & Affordable Learning guide and schedule a consultation with Micah Gjeltema, Open Education & Affordable Content Librarian

Applicant information

  1. Full name(s)
  2. Course, including number, title, number of students, current textbook or other course materials and their costs
  3. Department
  4. School/college
  5. Email address
  6. Position title/rank

Brief Narrative

Provide a narrative of 500 words or less to describe your proposed alternative to a commercial textbook or other course materials. Include:

  • your vision for the new textbook and/or learning materials and criteria for "success"
  • the anticipated impact (for student learning, student savings, pedagogy, etc.)
  • timeline/semester course is offered, and sustainability for future courses
  • anticipated challenges of using alternative course materials and requests for support
  • potential peer reviewers within your discipline, if possible

Prior Syllabus

Please include a copy of the course syllabus (including required materials) from the most recent semester in which a commercial textbook was used, for cost comparison.


University of Minnesota Libraries professionals will support participants by

  • organizing workshops and showcases for the program cohort to encourage success
  • consulting in the identification and evaluation of disciplinary OER textbooks and materials
  • constructing Reading Lists to provide all selected materials through a single access point in Canvas
  • investigating opportunities to supplement OER works through the purchase of materials, particularly multi-user eBooks, with libraries resources
  • providing copyright & licensing assistance as well as technological support for OER creation through libraries platforms like Pressbooks

By accepting a grant award, participants commit to 

  • participating in and contributing to program workshops and peer discussion
  • revising and implementing a low- or no-cost syllabus
  • making created materials available with a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license
  • implementing assessment strategies to determine project efficacy
  • participating in a Libraries showcase upon project conclusion
Last Updated: Oct 30, 2024 4:06 PM