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Reference Sources
- American National BiographySearch for famous or influencial people on American history and culture. Find profiles of 19,000+ people from all walks of American life. Limited to 10 simultaneous users.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography This link opens in a new windowProvides biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres. Includes the DLB main series, the DLB Documentary Series, and the DLB Yearbook Series. Search by full-text keyword, author, topic, volume title, publication date, or DLB series.
- Oxford Reference OnlineContains 100 language and subject dictionaries and other reference works, and searches across these resources. Limited to 5 simultaneous users.
- Oxford Handbooks OnlineOxford Handbooks contain peer-reviewed scholarly review articles in Archaeology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Religion. Included are classic works of scholarship along with newly-published works. Each handbook offers a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study. Individual articles by leading scholars review key issues and major debates, and discuss how those debates might evolve.
- WikipediaCiting Wikipedia is generally not acceptable for research papers, however, it is a great starting point to get background information and can lead to scholarly sources. Also, see Academic Use of Wikipedia
- Biographical dictionaries covering African AmericansUse limits on right to narrow down to online resources
- World Biographical Information SystemSearch short biographical information on over 6 million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present. WBIS provides an index to the entire archive; we have full-text access to these language-area archives: Baltic, Czech & Slovak, German, Polish, Russian & Soviet, and Scandinavian Biographical Archives.
- African American National Biography by A landmark scholarly achievement publishing February 2008 in 8 volumes -- Order early and save $200!The African American National Biography will present history through a mosaic of the lives of thousands of individuals, illuminating the abiding influence of persons of African descent on the life of this nation from the arrival of Esteban in Spanish Florida in 1529 through to notable blackcitizens of the present day.Available initially as a handsome 8-volume set containing over 4,000 entries written and signed by distinguished scholars, the AANB will continue to grow along with the field of African American biographical research, and continuous updates to the online edition will bring the total number of livesprofiled to more than 5,000. This is a remarkable achievement, an eightfold increase over the number of biographies contained in 2004's award-winning and substantial African American Lives.In addition to Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois and Martin Luther King Jr., the AANB will include a wide range of African Americans from all time periods and all walks of life, both famous and nearly-forgotten. In the words of AANB editor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., "Thesestories, long buried in the dusty archives of history, will never be lost again. And that is what scholarship in the field of African American Studies should be all about."Call Number: TC Wilson Library General Collection E185.96 .A4466 2008ISBN: 9780195160192Publication Date: 2008
- Encyclopedia of Black Studies by The Encyclopedia of Black Studies will be the leading reference source for dynamic and innovative research on the Black Experience. The concept for the encyclopedia was developed from the successful Journal of Black Studies and contains a full analysis of the economic, political, sociological, historical, literary and philosophical issues related to Americans of African descent. The content is considerd at the forefront of the recent explosive growth in quality scholarship in the field. More than a chronicle of black culture or black people, this encyclopedia deals with the emergence and maturity of an intellectual field over the past four decades. Beginning with the protests at San Francisco State College in 1967 that led to the first degree-granting department of Black Studies, the field's rapid growth over time necessitates an authoritative account of the discipline. More than ever scholars and students need a clear conception of what the evolutionary processes have been in the creation and maintenance of the discipline. Key Features: Over 240 signed articles by nearly 200 scholars, organized A to Z, with coverage spanning the social sciences Edited by the founder and current editor of the Journal of Black Studies Reader's Guide facilitates browsing by topic and easy access to information Contains numerous illustrative charts, sidebars, and historical photographs Appendices with listings of doctoral granting programs, major journals in the field, and professional and scholarly associations Master Bibliography Topics Covered * Afrocentricity * Annual Conferences * Anti-Racism * Arts * Associations and Organizations * Books * Campus Politics * Civil Rights * Classical Africa * Concepts * Culture * Departmental Histories * Films * Intellectual Schools * Institutions * Journals * Legal Issues * Movements * Newspapers * Political Issues * Professional Organizations * Publishers * Racism * Religion * Reparations * Research Centers * Resistance * Theories * United States ConstitutionCall Number: eBookISBN: 9781452265445Publication Date: 2005
- Encyclopedia of Blacks in European History and Culture by Blacks have played a significant part in European civilization since ancient times. This encyclopedia illuminates blacks in European history, literature, and popular culture. It emphasizes the considerable scope of black influence in, and contributions to, European culture. The first blacks arrived in Europe as slaves and later as laborers and soldiers, and black immigrants today along with others are transforming Europe into multicultural states. This indispensable set expands our knowledge of blacks in Western civilization. More than 350 essay entries introduce students and other readers to the white European response to blacks in their countries, the black experiences and impact there, and the major interactions between Europe and Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States that resulted in the settling of blacks in Europe. The range of information presented is impressive, with entries on noted European political, literary, and cultural figures of black descent from ancient times to the present, major literary works that had a substantial impact on European perceptions of blacks, black holidays and festivals, the struggle for civil equality for blacks, the role and influence of blacks in contemporary European popular culture, black immigration to Europe, black European identity, and much more. Offered as well are entries on organizations that contributed to the development of black political and social rights in Europe, representations of blacks in European art and cultural symbols, and European intellectual and scientific theories on blacks. Individual entries on Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Central Europe, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe include historical overviews of the presence and contributions of blacks and discussion of country's role in the African slave trade and abolition and its colonies in Africa and the Caribbean. Suggestions for further reading accompany each entry. A chronology, resource guide, and photos complement the text.Call Number: eBookISBN: 9780313344480Publication Date: 2009
- Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history : the Black experience in the Americas byISBN: 9780028660714Publication Date: 2006A five-volume set covering all aspects of the African-American experience from 1619 to the present day with biographies, historical essays to help define the cultural roots, participation in American life, and condition of the African-American community.
- Encyclopedia of African American Society by The Encyclopedia of African American Society is the first comprehensive and accessible reference set in this field to give voice to the turbulent trends, past and present, that are often ignored in favor of mere facts. Although numerous biographical, chronological and bibliographical reference works exist, none seeks to capture, in a single set, the ways in which the tenets and foundations of African American culture have given rise to today′s society. This two-volume encyclopedia fills the gap and has become a staple in collections in school, public and academic libraries. The encyclopedia is anchored by alphabetically arranged essays on such topics as abolitionism, affirmative action, and the civil rights movement, and contains hundreds of shorter articles on notable African Americans, groundbreaking events, sports and culture, labor and significant heritage sites. Key Features Over 700 signed articles, organized A-Z More than 50 photographs Reader′s guide facilitates easy browsing for relevant articles Comprehensive index and bibliography Topics Covered Concepts and Theories Fine Arts, Theater, and Entertainment Health and Education History and Heritage Literature Media Movements and Events Music and Dance Organizations and Institutions Places Politics and Policy Popular Culture Religion and Beliefs The Road to Freedom Science, Technology, and Business Social Issues Special Populations Sports Advisory BoardCall Number: eBookISBN: 9780761927648Publication Date: 2005-02-01
Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 3:12 PM