Working with the Libraries on preserving digital materials

Requirements for preservation

Materials slated for deposit into the Libraries' digital preservation system must fulfill the following requirements:


Those depositing materials must provide:

  • descriptive metadata about the items being deposited (template provided by Digital Preservation staff)
  • name of organization responsible for the materials
  • name of any other organizations associated with the materials (scanning center, sponsor)
  • name of access repository

File formats

Files being deposited should follow the Preferred File Formats [LINK] list.  If the format is not listed as a preferred format, discuss the format with the Digital Preservation Repository Technologies department.  

Rights information

The Libraries must have the right to preserve any materials deposited into Tabula.  Depositors may be asked for documentation of this right. Documentation of copyrights and access rights may also be requested for future use.  

Helpful to have

With the many moving parts and ongoing needs for preserving digital materials, these things are also helpful to understand prior to preserving materials.

Size estimate

Estimating the size of the materials you wish to preserve helps with the long-term planning for the Libraries.  Some guidance is available for conducting these estimates.  If the materials are already created, the total size should be provided.  


Last Updated: Dec 1, 2023 8:41 AM