How to get to full text from on and off campus

Using Findit to get to library resources

Look for the FindIt Button

When you are searching one of our subscription databases, and need to find the full text of the article, you may need to select the FindIt button, if you don't see a link for "PDF Full Text" or "HTML Full text"



Selecting FindIt will bring you into the Libraries search and give you options for online access.

Don't forget to sign in!


Need Help?

The database link is not taking me to the article!

Sometimes the database access link will only take you to the journal page, rather than the specific article page. Then, you can look back at the catalog record to find what year, volume, and issue number the article you want is in, and on the journal website, look for a way to “view all journal issues,” and navigate to the right volume and issue number. Then look for the correct article title and the “Download PDF” option.

Only search for one or two minutes -- if you still can't get to article you need, copy and paste the source title, journal, date, year, etc. into the email or chat box. The Libraries staff can look it up and send you a link!

I'm not getting a link to any databases!

If you are still having problems, go to the main library page and use the green “24/7 Chat” button to get help right away from a librarian. We can work to find the articles or material and email it or let you know more about how to get it.

Tutorial: Using FindIt

Last Updated: Mar 4, 2025 2:25 PM