Minnesota newspapers
High circulation Twin Cities papers:
- Minnesota Star Tribune (1986 to present) This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from the recent issues of the Star Tribune. Does not include wire stories, ads, photos, or other non-textual article content from the paper. (via ProQuest Newsstream). Note: There is a one-day embargo on content; article counts for recent issues may be initially incomplete, but increase as the publisher provides access to finalized print content in daily feeds to ProQuest.
- St. Paul Pioneer Press (1948 to present) This link opens in a new windowSearch and browse historical and current issues of the St. Paul Pioneer Press and related titles. Full-page digital images of the complete paper are available for the historical archive (1948 to 2023) as well as the most recent issues (2018 to present). Articles from 1988 to 2018 are available in full-text, but without page images. (via Access World News)
Other important MN newspapers:
- Asian American Press (Minnesota)Asian American Press is an online platform promoting diversity and unity among the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.
- The Circle: News from a Native American perspective (Minneapolis)Native American news and arts from Minneapolis from 1994 to the present day. See also: The Circle website.
- DeBahJiMon NewspaperLeech Lake Band of Ojibwe newspaper.
Physical copy of the latest year available at Wilson Newspaper Room.
- Duluth News Tribune (1995 to present) This link opens in a new windowFull-text coverage of daily Duluth newspaper, including full-page digital images of the complete paper from 2018 to present. (via Access World News)
- Insight NewsA community journal for news, business and the arts serving the Minneapolis & St. Paul African American communities.
- The Minnesota DailyThe historical archive of the student newspaper for the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is available online in the UDC from 1900 to 2009. There is a full web archive of the MN Daily site, including video content, available from April 2019 to present, and 2014 to present copies are available on Issuu.
- Minnesota MonthlyMagazine focused on Minnesota arts, entertainment, food, culture, philanthropy, and sports.
- MinnPostNon-profit publisher of online news and analysis by professional journalists about the Twin Cities. The site features video and audio as well as written stories, commentary, and comments from readers.
- Minnesota Spokesman-RecorderThe oldest Black-owned newspaper in the state of Minnesota and one of the longest-standing, family-owned newspapers in the country. Available online issues form July 2002 - present.
- La Prensa de MinnesotaMinnesota Latino publication
Paper copies of the most recent year can be found at Wilson Newspaper Room. - Sahan JournalIndependent nonprofit digital news reporting for and about immigrants and refugees in Minnesota.
Use Access World News to search across smaller regional news sources in MN:
- Access World News: MinnesotaSearch across Minnesota newspapers, magazines, and broadcast transcripts.
National newspapers & magazines
- ForeignAffairs.comForeign Affairs is a leading magazine & website covering American foreign policy & international relations.
- Harper's Magazine Archive (1850 - present)Complete online access to over 170 years of Harper's, the oldest general-interest monthly magazine in America, featuring narrative journalism, essays and more. Access is for 2 simultaneous users.
- The NationNational biweekly magazine that covers political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis. (Access via Academic Search Premier)
- New Yorker Archive (1925 - present)Online access to a full-color page image archive of the American weekly magazine featuring journalism, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry. Access is for two simultenous users.
- New York Times (1980 to present) This link opens in a new windowFull-text coverage of the New York Times to present day. Does not include photos, illustrations, ads, wire stories, or other page-image level access. (via ProQuest Newsstream)
- Rolling StoneAmerican monthly magazine that focuses on music, politics, and popular culture. (Access via Academic Search Premier)
- Sports IllustratedAmerican monthly sports magazine. (Access via SPORTDiscus)
- Vogue Archive, 1892-currentA complete searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images.
- Washington Post (1987 to present) This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from the recent issues of the Post, as well as some online content (blogs, videos) from more recent years. Does not include wire stories, ads, photos or other image-based content from the paper. (via ProQuest Newsstream)
- Wired Magazine (via EBSCO)You can access the full-text of articles from Wired via this library database.
Business & advertising news
Business news:
- American City Business Journals (BizJournals)Find articles from the Minneapolis St. Paul Business on local companies and other organizations. Register for an account with a valid @umn.edu e-mail address using the link above.
- Financial Times (FT.com)News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, a leading global business publication. Current students, faculty, and staff must register and create personal accounts using University of Minnesota e-mail addresses at the link above.
- Forbes Magazine ArchiveSearch bi-weekly business magazine since the first issue in 1917 for articles, advertisements, illustrations, charts found in each issue cover to cover. Use this archives to find information about business leaders, politics, and technology including Forbes lists of companies, world's richest people, most powerful women and other rankings.
- Harvard Business ReviewAccess full articles from Harvard Business Review, including recent issues. Available through Business Source Premier.
- Wall Street Journal (WSJ.COM) This link opens in a new windowGet WSJ.com subscription through the library. Sign up for a personal account at the link above. Access to the articles, photographs, charts, podcasts, videos and other premium content available on the WSJ.COM website back to the 2010. Mobile app access is included in the subscription.
More business news resources »
Advertising & PR trade publications:
- AdAge Datacenter and Digital EditionAccess AdAge online for news about media companies and advertising agencies.
- AdForumTrade publication featuring advertisements by agencies, advertiser, brands, campaigns, or creative staff.
- AdWeekTrade magazine and website for the advertising industry, available via Business Source Premier.
- Communication ArtsDesign magazine for media with annuals. Current and past issues available in print for Communications Arts at Magrath Library.
Media industry news
- Broadcasting & CableNews on the television industry, serving the broadcast, cable and program syndication communities. Available via Business Source Premier. Recent online content from both Broadcasting & Cable and Multichannel News is free online.
- Columbia Journalism ReviewWebsite and magazine from Columbia University that features stories on news, reporting, and the media industry.
- Editor & PublisherIndustry news on news media including newspapers, broadcast, and digital.
- IRE Journal (Investigative Reporters and Editors)IRE is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of journalism. The journal is available via Academic Search Premier.
- MediagazerA media news aggregator, from the production side to the distribution side, reporting on new technologies that are upending the industry.
- News Photographer Magazine (NPAA)Online magazine from the National Press Photographers Association.
- Nieman Journalism LabThe Nieman Journalism Lab works to help journalism figure out its future in an Internet age.
- Nieman ReportsWebsite and quarterly print publication from nonprofit foundation to promote standards of journalism.
- PRWeekA magazine for public relations professionals. Available via Access World News - doesn't include latest issue.
- QuillRecent content from the magazine by the Society of Professional Journalists.
Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 2:37 PM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/hubbard-media-hub