About this tutorial
Properly citing materials in Music is critical to your scholarship.
This guide has two parts. You can start by watching the video Get to know citations in music, linked below. The video discusses:
- the anatomy, or the distinct parts, of a citation for music sources
- tips for creating accurate citations
- the importance of citing sources
- when to cite something and where to look for citations in sources
Next, follow the pages of this guide for some additional tips and citation building activities:
Additional Resources and Getting Help
- Video tutorial explaining citations in Music: Get to know citations in Music
- In-depth guides to citing music sources:
- If you have any questions, please contact your Music Librarian
University of Minnesota Libraries Instructional Design
Designed by the University of Minnesota Libraries Instructional Designer Andrew Palahniuk. For accessibility accommodations, or to receive this information in alternative formats, contact libid@umn.edu or 612-624-0365.
The content in this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Last Updated: Jun 7, 2023 11:51 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/music_citations