A guide to finding newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, and other news sources at the UMN Libraries.
Television News: Digital Archives
- Access World NewsAlong with thousands of other print news sources, Access World News includes broadcast transcripts from hundreds of television news sources. Scroll down on the search screen to choose "Access Broadcast Transcripts."
- American Archive of Public BroadcastingDiscover, watch, and listen to historic programs of publicly funded radio and television across America.
- Internet Archive: TV News Collection (2009-present)Collection of news programs from national U.S. networks and stations, including Understanding 9-11: A Television News Archive, a Political Ads collection, and the Trump Archive.
- Edward R Murrow BroadcastsWorld War II news reports by Edward R. Murrow as part of the History of American Journalismn student project from the University of Kansas.
- FactivaFactiva includes broadcast transcripts from around the world, as well as many other news sources. Limit your search to TV news by changing the Source filter to "By Type" and selecting "Transcripts: Broadcast."
- Frontline (PBS)Journalistic features from the television show Frontline on PBS.
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports This link opens in a new windowFBIS Daily Reports issued by the U.S. Government. Translations of broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world from 1941 to 1996.
- Sixty Minutes, 1997-2014Video archive and transcripts of 60 Minutes, the CBS television news program magazine that covers a range of social, political, and international issues, including the Sunday Morning broadcasts. Find videos by topic, journalists, date and other criteria for 60 minute segments from 1997-2014
- Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International PropagandaThis collection of films from the communist world reveals war, history, current affairs, culture and society as seen through the socialist lens. It spans most of the twentieth century and covers countries such as the USSR, Vietnam, China, Korea, much of Eastern Europe, the GDR, Britain and Cuba.
- Stanford Cable TV News AnalyzerThe dataset available for analysis includes near 24-7 recordings of CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC between January 1, 2010 and August 24, 2020. (The dataset updates daily, with approximately a 24-36 hour lag from the original content's air date.) In total, the dataset consists of over 270,000 hours of video and includes both TV news programming and commercial segments.
- Universal Newsreels Digital ArchiveUniversal Newsreels were produced from 1929 to 1967 and released twice a week. Each issue is one to two minutes in length, covering world events, politics, sports, fashion, and whatever else might entertain the movie audience. Surviving materials from Universal Studios are available at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland.
- Vanderbilt Television News ArchiveThe Television News Archive, available from Vanderbilt University, is an index to more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from ABC, CBS, and NBC (August 1968 - present), and CNN daily news (1995 - present).
Radio: Digital Archives
- America in the 1930sUniversity of Virginia has radio programs and other archives of American history for the 1930s.
- BBC Radio ArchivesArchival collections about authors, performing arts, broadcasting, culture and events.
- Cylinder Preservation and Digitalization ProjectFrom the Department of Special Collections at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Finding tools for searching the colleciton of over 8000 cylinder recordings from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Browse, search, and stream these historical recordings.
- Old Time Radio ShowsOver 2,000 radio shows you can listen to dating back to the 1930s.
- OTR (Old Time Radio) Network LibraryOver 12,000 older radio shows available for free.
- Old Time Radio LoverArchive of popular radio programs including comedies, westerns, science fiction, drama and more.
Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025 1:56 PM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/news-sources