Book Matchmaking
Having trouble finding a book you really love? Looking for something fun or different?
Fill out a short form about your reading life and our expert book matchmakers will email you a list of three books from the University of Minnesota libraries that match what you are looking for.
Check out these additional resources!
- Check out Ebooks Minnesota.
- See what reading lists are suggested by Hennepin County Library and St. Paul Public Libraries.
- The Basement Alcove Display in Wilson Library across from the coffee shop
- The McCollister Collection of Popular Literature on the first floor of Wilson library
- The Popular Reading Collection in the Great Hall at Walter Library
- The Popular Reading Collection in Magrath Library in St. Paul.
Questions? Comments? Contact the book matchmakers at
Reading Challenges
Snowflake Winter Reading Challenge
After working hard all semester and surviving finals, it's time to relax. Borrow some books from our Libraries (or download the Libby app for ebooks & audiobooks) and get started on the Snowflake Winter Reading Challenge! Complete any of the 3 reading prompts listed below to make your own challenge - no two are alike. Submit your challenge by tagging us on Instagram (@umnlib) or email before March 18 for a chance to win prizes like a Libraries T-shirt!
Pick 3 to make your own challenge:
- Read a fantasy novel
- Nonfiction Book
- Book over 400 pages
- Book by a MN author
- Try a different format - Find ebooks and audiobooks on Libby!
- Book with multiple points of view
- Comforting or cozy book
- Read a book that was recommended to you - visit for recommendations from Libraries staff
- Read a genre you don’t normally read
Questions? Contact us at