Library Course Materials page

Add Annotations to Readings

The Library Course Materials tool has an integrated reading- and annotation tool for PDF-documents, where faculty and students can comment and annotate directly in the document. PDF documents must be uploaded into the tool for use by students and instructors.

How do I annotate?

The annotation tool has three main functions:

Add an annotation

  1. Highlight the text you want to annotate.
  2. Click the ‘Annotation’-icon hovering directly above your cursor. The icon is shaped like a speech bubble.
  3. Write your annotation in the then provided field. Remember to choose annotation visibility: private or public.
  4. Click Save

Library Course Materials - Annotations example

Delete annotation

  1. Click the three dotted-menu to the right of your annotation
  2. Click Delete

Alternatively, you can…

  1. Click the text you added an annotation to
  2. Click the trashcan hovering above your cursor


Respond to/comment other comments

  1. Click the arrow at the bottom of the annotation box. This option is only available on public annotations.
  2. Write in your reply
  3. Click Save

Last Updated: May 14, 2024 11:28 AM