How to integrate reading list items into a Canvas Page, Discussion, or Assignment
You can now include materials from your Library Course Materials page reading list directly in your Canvas pages, discussions, and assignments.
To add a reading list item to a Canvas page, edit an existing page, assignment, or discussion in the Canvas course menu. While editing choose the "Apps" icon in the edit toolbar menu and then choose "View All."
From the "All Apps" menu, select "Library Course Materials - Import Citations."
After your reading list appears, select the citations you would like to integrate into your Canvas page by clicking the checkbox on the left-hand side. You are able to select multiple citations at a time.
The bottom toolbar has two options listed called "Link label" and "Bibliography style." "Link label" refers to the name of the link that will open a full view of the citation in your Library Course Materials Page in a new tab. This label can be edited. "Bibliography style" refers to the style the citation will be displayed.
Click the "Add" button in the lower right-hand corner after selecting items to import.
Imported items will display on your Canvas page in edit mode. Choose "Save" or "Save & Publish" to save changes.
Items have now been successfully integrated into your Canvas page. Clicking "View Item" will open a new tab to view the citation in your Library Course Materials Page.