Medical Device Innovation

This guide is designed for new researchers to find articles, sources and get started with medical device innovation research.

Have questions? Contact Your Librarians

Medical School Librarians

  • Contact the medical librarians at the Health Sciences Library with questions about medicine, anatomy, and physiology. 

Meghan Lafferty 

  • Contact Meghan with questions about standards and patents

Caroline Lilyard

  • Contact Caroline with questions about market size, regulatory, and reimbursement. 

Finding Articles

Finding Textbooks & Reference Books

Finding Health Statistics

Finding Patents

Use this site to search for U.S. issued patents and published patent applications.

Direct link to Patent Search page.
Direct link to Patent Classification Homepage.

Tutorial: Patent searching

Patent searching tutorial. Self-paced.

After completing this tutorial, you will:

  • Understand the benefits of using patents in your research
  • Complete a search using Google Patents in conjunction with the USPTO Patent Database
  • Apply advanced searching in Google Patents to get better results and to find more relevant patents

Finding Standards

Tutorial: Standards: what are they and how can I find them?

Standards: what are they and how can I find them tutorial. Self-paced.

After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Define what a standard is, as well as its purpose
  • Identify major publishers of standards
  • Get access to, or help accessing, standards

FDA Resources

Finding Industry and Market Information

The Business Library website contains licensed databases content, newspapers and journals, and contact information. 

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024 3:31 PM