This guide is an in-depth listing of Korean Studies resources available to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota.
- EduData Service System (EDSS)EDSS establishes a system for collecting, linking, and processing education-related data accumulated in the Ministry of Education, metropolitan/provincial offices of education, and education-related institutions. EDSS consists of 7 fields of primary and secondary education data (school information disclosure, primary and secondary education statistics, university scholastic ability test data, national academic achievement evaluation data, special education statistics, nice data, edufine data) and 4 fields of higher education statistics (university information).
- School Information DisclosureKorean primary and secondary school information
- Kindergarten Information DisclosureKorean kindergarten information.
- Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS)KOSIS is the national statistical database, operated by Statistics Korea.
- Statistics KoreaAs a central government organization for statistics, the Statistics Korea aims at prompting services of overall planning and coordination of national statistics, establishment of statistical standards, production & distribution of various economic and social statistics, processing & management of statistical information and provision of various statistical data.
- Bank of Korea 경제통계The Bank performs the typical functions of a central bank: issuing banknotes and coins, formulating and implementing monetary and credit policy, serving as the bankers' bank and the government's bank. In addition, the Bank of Korea undertakes the operation and oversight of the payment and settlement systems, and manages the nation's foreign exchange reserves. It also conducts supervisory functions for financial institutions as stipulated in the Bank of Korea Act.
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 3:34 PM