Communicating Scientific Concepts Through Engaging Student Videos
Students in Prof. Cara Santelli's Oceanography course (ESCI 1006) created brief videos designed to communicate scientific concepts to a general public audience through the use of creative, engaging narrative.
Student Examples:
Jeffrey's Topography Journey (Produced by Bruce Stevens and Reed Miller)
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico (Produced by Vikki Mansheim, et. al)
Microplastics (Produced by Dan Larson, Benjamin Osborn, Journee Rogers, Elizabeth Carlson)
Mangroves (Produced by Shaina D., Matt A., Sadaf P, Terrell H.)
Learning Objectives
[Coming Soon]
Demonstrated Learning Benefits
[Coming Soon]
Subject Knowledge Acquired
Researching and communicating scientific concepts to a non-STEM audience.
Soft Skill Set Acquired
Video production-editing skill sets
Audio/visual mixed media composition
Some interviews
Voice over (scripting)
Media Literacy (media arts approach: video production)
Project management
Group work
[Coming Soon]
Course Assignment and Grading Rubric
[Coming Soon]
Support Resources
Media production course outreach support was offered by Media Outreach Librarian, Scott Spicer
Custom course student media support production guide developed by Scott Spicer
Student Video Citation Video: Developed by Carolyn Bishoff (Subject Librarian Liaison to ESCI) and Scott Spicer
Student Production Support from the SMART Learning Commons
Reserve Production Equipment
Schedule Video Production Project Support