Profiles in Teaching and Learning with Student Media Projects

This online gallery highlights a diversity of student created projects that Library Media Services has supported over the years. More in-depth description of each project can be found on secondary pages.

Profiles in Teaching and Learning With Media: Public Service Announcements

Students in Prof. Jamie Stang's Public Health course (PubH 6902 (School of Public Health)) produced Public Service Announcements (PSA's) promoting healthy habits and awareness of risk factors related to obesity in women of childbearing age.

Student Example:

Healthy Weight and Birth Defects PSA -- Jessica Kornaus (and additional group members)


Learning Objectives

Coming soon

Demonstrated Learning Benefits

Coming soon

Subject Knowledge Acquisition

Applied knowledge in real world context (Public Health messaging)
Awareness - advocacy: Promoting risk factors and healthy interventions towards specific populations
Evidence based research

Soft Skill Set Acquisition

Video production-editing skill sets
Audio/visual mixed media composition
Media Literacy (media arts approach: video production; critical media literacy approach: crafting messages towards specific audiences, alternative media distribution)
Project management
Group work


Coming soon

Course Assignment and Grading Rubric

Coming soon

External Campus Support Resources Utilized

Media Librarian, Scott Spicer, initially met with Teaching Assistant, Sarah Eichberger, in the summer to discuss possibilities for a student media project related to developing an awareness campaign requiring student to articulate a message related to childbearing health and directed at a specific demographic through the use of multiple media channels. In follow up consultations leading to the fall semester, with Prof. Jamie Stang, it was decided to focus, at least this initial pilot project, on Public Service Announcements videos and the topic specifically related to awareness of healthy behavior and risk factors related to obesity in women of childbearing age, to focus the projects.

During the semester, Scott made a class visit, and presented with examples of public service announcements in health (including poor examples), considerations for producing a quality PSA - emphasizing the importance of demonstrating audio visually the message towards a specific demographic, copyright/fair use considerations in media - with Creative Commons sources, and campus production support resources available. Finally, Scott and Media Specialist, Jenny Veile, visited the class for the final video screenings.

Further support resources included an in-depth Custom Media Production Assignment Calculator (ELM Project Calculator) that provided a timeline for the production process and relevant resources.

Student Production Support from the SMART Learning Commons

Reserve Production Equipment
Schedule Video Production Project Support

Last Updated: Mar 5, 2024 6:02 PM