This guide is an in-depth listing of German language & literature resources available to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota.
Current News
- Access World NewsFull-text news from over 9,000 news sources in the U.S. and international newspapers, major wire services, and hundreds of local broadcasting outlets and blogs. There are over 100 Minnesota sources. Mostly English language news coverage with some 200 titles in Spanish, French, Afrikaans and other languages.
- FactivaSearch millions of newspapers, business magazines, and newswires with international and foreign language coverage with all editions of the Wall Street Journal. Financial information for publicly traded companies, stocks, funds, currencies, and common market indexes. Limited to 7 simultaneous users.
- FAZ.netOnline version of the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
- FOCUS MagazinAccess to articles from 1993 to recent issues. No access to most recent issues. Can search and browse articles.
- German-language Newspapers and Other News SourcesFrom European Studies Section, thorough list of German-language current and historical newspapers, news magazines, radio and TV stations, and more.
- International Newsstream This link opens in a new windowInternational news from newspapers, newswires, transcripts, and digital-only news sites in full-text format. Over 800 of the world's top news sources.
- News Sources (Libraries Search) This link opens in a new windowSearch for articles in newspapers, magazines, broadcast transcripts, and newswire feeds across a variety of library databases.
- Der Spiegel (1947-1 year ago)Archive of articles from 1947 to 1 year.. Can search and browse articles.
- Süddeutsche ZeitungOnline version of the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
- Die Zeit OnlineArchive of articles from 1946 onwards. Can search and browse articles.
Historical News
- ANNO (AustriaN Newspapers Online)From the Austrian National Library, scanned images of Austrian newspapers from 16th to 20th centuries. Browsing and searching available.
- e-newspaperarchives.chAccess to newspapers digitized by the Swiss National Library and other Swiss libraries.
- Compact Memory: German-Jewish Newspapers (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek)305 Jewish newspapers and journals of the German speaking area of the years 1768–1938 and beyond. The newspapers can be printed or saved; some titles have been edited with OCR and are full text searchable.
- Europeana/European LibraryGerman-language newspapers via Europeana/European Library
- ProQuest Historical NewspapersSearch old editions major U.S. newspapers and the Times of India. Papers include the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Other titles include the Atlanta Daily World, Chicago Defender, Christian Science Monitor, Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Exponent, Los Angeles Sentinel, the New York Amsterdam News, Pittsburgh Courier, South China Morning Post, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.
- World News ConnectionA service bringing news from around the world, translated into English, between 1995 and 2013. The information is obtained from newspaper articles, television and radio broadcasts, online sources, conference proceedings, periodicals, and non-classified reports.
- ZEFYS Zeitungsinformationssystem (Staatsbibliothek Berlin)Digital images of newspapers from German-speaking Europe. Includes links to news other resources and databases. Browsing and searching available.
- Zeit.punktNRWHistorical newspapers from the 18th century to 1970s from the area of Nordrhein Westfalen (North Rhine Westphalia).
- "Zeitungen" (CLIO Online, 2018)Article by Astrid Blome; provides an overview of German-language newspaper collections.
- Foreign Newspaper Collections (Center for Research Libraries)Find print copies of historical foreign newspapers via the Center for Research Libraries catalog, and request to borrow them through interlibrary loan.
Indexes for Print German-language News
- Buchrezensionen. Zeitungs-Index. Beiheft.Dates 1992-1993; 1995. Location(s): TC Wilson Library AI9 .B88
- Der Spiegel IndexIndex for the prominent German news magazine for the years 1947-1998.
Location(s): Wilson Library Reference Mfiche 99 - Zeitungs-IndexIndex to several daily German newspapers. Not complete.
Location(s): Wilson Library AI19 .Z44. - Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur, mit Einschluss von Sammelwerken. Beilage-Band.1909-1944. An index to the principal articles in German, and some Austrian, newspapers.
Location(s): TC Wilson Library Quarto 016.05 B47 Suppl.B Non-Circulating.
Some volumes of Suppl.B are bound with Wilson Quarto 016.05. B47.
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025 3:28 PM