Diversify Your Syllabus: Resources and Readings for Your Syllabus

How to Use This Guide

"An inclusive classroom begins with an inclusive syllabus. Although we include information for creating a syllabus on our preparing a course page, we also believe that it is important to include resources specifically for instructors who wish to create an inclusive classroom climate and acknowledge issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in their syllabi." - University of Kansas


On these pages, you will find:

  • Library resources to find research from underrepresented groups and locations
  • Other examples of diverse syllabi from disciplines with sample readings
  • Social media hashtags and networks to follow 
  • University of Minnesota offices and resources around equity and diversity
  • Background information on land acknowledgments

Reflecting on Your Syllabus

Some reflection questions to consider as you think about your syllabus


From The University of Kansas Creating an Inclusive Syllabus

  • Who is represented in the readings in terms of topics covered. Is there a reason why one group or another is not represented or represented frequently? 
  • Who is represented in the readings in terms of authors? Is there a reason why one group or another is not represented or represented frequently?
  • Do texts support deficit models that blame marginalized groups for the inequality they experience? Can asset-based reading and readings that address institutional and systemic discrimination replace or complement deficit model readings? "Asset-based teaching seeks to unlock students’ potential by focusing on their talents. Also known as strengths-based teaching, this approach contrasts with the more common deficit-based style of teaching which highlights students’ inadequacies." 
  • Can course topics and content be adjusted to speak to diversity and inclusion? Can examples used to illustrate concepts, theories, or techniques also present a variety of identities, cultures, and worldviews?

From Tufts The Syllabus as a Tool for Setting a Climate

  • Why do I select the content I do?
  • What assumptions have I made about the learners in my class?
  • Do I use examples and text throughout that are representative of my students?
  • Do I encourage and present alternative perspectives?

Further Readings

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This LibGuide was adapted from at the University of St. Thomas Libraries

Last Updated: Nov 1, 2024 4:47 PM