Wage Equity Statistics
- IPUMS-USAIPUMS USA collects, preserves and harmonizes U.S. census microdata and provides easy access to this data with enhanced documentation. Data includes decennial censuses from 1790 to 2010 and American Community Surveys (ACS) from 2000 to the present.
- The Gender Pay GapA report from the National Conference of State Legislators on the current state of the gender pay gap in 2021 as impacted by COVID-19 along with a summary of historical state actions and more recent legislation currently under consideration.
- Protections in the Workplace: Equal Pay and Age DiscriminationA report from the National Conference of State Legislators providing a history of equal pay legislation and a summary of current equal pay protections in state laws.
- The State of the Gender & Race Pay Gap 2021This report from compensation aggregating database, PayScale, examines the difference in median earnings of men and women overall, as well as by race, marital and family status, across industry, job family, degree level, generation, management status, job level, state, and metropolitan statistical area.
- The 2020 Racial Wage GapThis report from PayScale examines the controlled racial wage gap (RWG) is a comparison of pay between white men and people of color who have the same job and qualifications.
- College Degree Widens Gender Earnings GapPublished by the US Census Bureau May 2019
This article compares median earnings differences between men and women workers by age, education, and occupation. Statistics in this story are from the Detailed Occupation and Education Table Package and an analysis of 2017 data from the American Community Survey.
Investment Equity
- Privco - Funding DiversityPublished 2021
A deeper look at the data on underrepresented leaders and the capital they have raised. This report compares investments & impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic by location and vertical, as well as spotlighted companies that are classified as minority-led, women-founded, or women-led. - Pitchbook - From talk to action: Investors weigh in on ways to increase diversity in VCAccess to an hour long panel presentation hosted by Pitchbook News on the evolving role that investors play in addressing issues relating to the accessibility to venture capitalists and their capital and networks, supposed unqualified diverse talent pipelines and having equitable representation across the ecosystem.
- Institutional Investors Must Help Close the Race and Gender Gaps in Venture CapitalPublished by the Harvard Business Review. This article argues that there exists gender and racial stereotyping, unconscious bias, systemic economic barriers, and Silicon Valley’s preference for serial entrepreneurs within venture capital and provides three changes to operating practices to commit to broader diversity with VC funds.
- 2018 Diverse Asset Management Firm AssessmentPublished in 2019 by The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. This report characterizes the ownership diversity of U.S. asset managers; examines the impact of diverse ownership on financial performance; and studies the composition of institutional investors that invest with diverse managers.
- Diversity & Inclusion in the VC IndustryPublished by Deloitte in 2020. This study & results dashboard provides critical data on the workforce at VC firms and what firms are doing to enhance diversity & inclusion.
Minnesota Wage Equity Research
- College Major, Occupational Pathways, and Labor Force Outcomes by Gender and Race/EthnicityPublished by MnDEED December 2018
This articles examines gender and race/ethnicity-based earnings gaps that exist even after accounting for field of study and choice of occupation. - Economic Status of Minority Women in MinnesotaPublished by MnDEED September 2018
This article examines the economic status of racial and ethnic minority women in Minnesota, focusing on educational attainment and labor market outcomes. This analysis compares the economic status of minority women with white women and men. - Education and the Gender GapThis article examines educational attainment and returns by gender in Minnesota. The most recent five-year American Community Survey (ACS) micro-data (2012 to 2016) for Minnesota is used for the analysis.
- Breaking Down the Gender Earnings GapPublished by MnDEED December 2017
This article examines health care and social assistance jobs in Minnesota, an industry sector where women far outnumber men and where we might expect little or no gender pay gap. - Pay Equity: The Minnesota ExperiencePublished by the Legislative Office on the Economic Status of Women (OESW) February 2016
This report describes the laws, their implementation and results, and historical background
as well as basic personnel concepts such as the classification of jobs, job evaluation, compensation practices, and discusses the average wage gap between men and women workers, particularly as it relates to public employees.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:43 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/CSR