This guide is an in-depth listing of Chinese Studies resources available to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota.
On this page
Articles, Journals and Magazines
- Chinese Periodicals Full-text, 1833-1949This database is available for 1 simultaneous user only.
全国报刊索引 includes the following modules:
Late Qing Dynasty Periodical Full-text Database 晚清期刊全文数据库 (1833-1911)
Republic of China Periodicals Full-text Database 民国时期期刊全文数据库 (1911-1949)
The Tabloids 中国近代中文报纸全文数据库-小报 (1897-1949)
Chinese and English Newspaper of Modern China – Comprehensive Collection 中国近代中文报纸全文数据库-综合专辑
- Chinese Women's Magazines in the Late Qing and Early Republican PeriodThe database is of interest to scholars of cultural history and of Chinese cultural, print, literary, women's, and art history. It offers students and non-experts a window onto the Chinese historical experience that goes beyond the grand narrative of the communist revolution, reductive notions of Asian values, and orientalized images of the sick men and the obsequious and bound-footed women of China.
- Dianshizhai huabao 點石齋畫報By the time the Dianshizhai began publication, Shanghai was about to surpass Canton (Guangzhou) as a hub of trade with the West. It had also become one of three Chinese cities most likely to be mentioned in Western travel accounts and fiction. The images here, however, show Shanghai as Chinese writers and artists saw it.
- Early Chinese Periodicals OnlineECPO joins together several important digital collections of the early Chinese press and puts them into a single overarching framework. So far, the ECPO project has focused on a body of rich but heretofore undervalued materials—women’s and entertainment magazines.
- East Asian Newspapers and Periodicals 1850-1950The collections here include a range of East Asian (plus Singapore) newspapers, journals, and magazines published in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese languages from 1850-1950.
- Funü zazhi 婦女雜誌 (1915-31)Funü zazhi is one of the most long-lived women’s magazines in China. It was published by Shanghai Commercial Press between1915-31.
- Modern Sketch 時代漫畫Modern Sketch stands out among the nearly 20 illustrated humor and satire magazines that proliferated in mid-1930s Shanghai. One can point to the remarkable openness and eclecticism of its content, and its inclusion of work by young artists who went on to become leaders in China’s 20th-century cultural establishment.
- Shi shi hua bao 時事畫報 (1905-1913)Cornell University Kroch Asia Rare Materials Archive Collection
- Translations of the Peking Gazette OnlineTranslations of the Peking Gazette Online is a comprehensive database of approximately 8,500 pages of English-language renderings of official edicts and memorials from the Qing dynasty that cover China’s long nineteenth century from the Macartney Mission in 1793 to the abdication of the last emperor in 1912. As the mouthpiece of the government, the Peking Gazette is the authoritative source for information about the Manchu state and its Han subjects as they collectively grappled with imperial decline, re-engaged with the wider world, and began mapping the path to China’s contemporary rise.
- 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台A platform covers resources on the Anti-Japanese War and modern China-Japan relations. It includes books, archives, periodicals, newspapers, audios, videos, etc.
Mainland China (Post 1949)
- CNKI-Chinese Academic JournalCNKI database: Search titles of articles in History/Literature/Philosophy and Education & Social Sciences only.
- Duxiu DatabaseUMN Access Only. Known as Chinese Google Scholar, Duxiu is a large digital collection of Chinese language materials. It provides full-text search capability to millions of Chinese scholarly resources in many subjects and formats (books, journals, newspapers, patents, standards, dissertations, conference proceedings, etc.) Users may read book excerpts online. Document delivery via email is available for some publications. While full text is not always available due to copyright restrictions, Duxiu is a useful tool for obtaining bibliographic information for primary and secondary sources.
- Bamboo and Silk 简帛Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed, academic journal in English published by Brill with editorship based at the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. The journal focuses on excavated bamboo and silk documents from China’s Pre-Qin, Qin, Han, and Wei-Jin periods with a main emphasis on paleography and textual editing and related research on society, politics, economy, legal system, ideology, culture, language habits, among other topics.
- Chinese and Foreign Scientific Literature Service Platform 中西文科技文献服务平台Personal account registration required for access to full-text articles.
- National Center for Philosophy and Social Science Documentation 国家哲学社会科学文献中心Free. Personal account registration required for access to full-text articles.
- Science Paper Online 中国科技论文在线Free. Full-text articles available. Also includes some journals of humanities and social science disciplines.
- Zhaiyi 摘译A database of the literary journal Zhaiyi, which was "internally published" from 1973 to 1976 and presented translations, synopses, criticism and news summaries of works of fiction, film, theater, and poetry from the USSR, US, and Japan. Compiled by the Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University. Free but requires registration.
- 中国集刊网This is a periodical database by Social Sciences Literature Press. It includes some open access articles on social sciences, education, literature, history and philosophy.
Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan
- HKInChip 香港中文期刊論文索引HKInChiP maintained by the University Library, Chinese University of Hong Kong, indexes articles from over 300 Chinese periodicals published in Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong Journals Online (HKJO)Full-text image database providing access to selected academic and professional journals, both in English and Chinese, published in Hong Kong. Over 60 titles, with the earliest going back to 1872.
- Hong Kong Macau Periodicals Network港澳期刊網An index, with article abstracts, of over 300 Chinese language and bilingual social science and humanities journals published in Hong Kong and Macau. Most journals are indexed from 1980 only, but some more important journals ones are indexed from their first issue, in some cases dating to the 19th century. Maintained by the libraries of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Macau.
- NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature 臺灣國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網The website provides 4 kinds of indexing services:
Taiwan Periodical Literature (Search for Articles) 臺灣期刊論文索引系統
Directory to Taiwan Periodicals (Search for Journals) 中華民國出版期刊指南系統
NCL China Periodical Literature Index 漢學中心典藏大陸期刊篇目索引
Table of Contents of Chinese Literature (Monograph Series, 1946-1979) 中國文化研究論文目錄 - National Taiwan University Journal Database 臺灣大學學術期刊資料庫Full-text articles of academic journals published by departments of National Taiwan University from 2002 to present.
Foreign Languages or Foreign sources
- Project MuseUMN Access Only
- Bibliography of Asian StudiesUMN Access Only
- Asia-Studies Full-Text OnlineAsia-Studies Full-Text Online is the premier database for the study of modern Asia-Pacific. As the exclusive licensee for the region’s most prestigious research institutions, brings together thousands of full-text reports covering 55 countries on a multitude of business, government, economic, and social issues.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)A one stop shop for Open Access Journals (journals with a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access). Journals must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included. All subject areas are covered. Uses can search by journal title or browse titles. No searching of contents of journals is provided. Journals listed in the DOAJ will also be listed in our Journal Title Database.
- Journal Of China And International RelationsJournal of China and International Relations (JCIR) is a scholarly journal managed by the Research Center on Development and International Relations, Department of Politics and Society, Faculty of Social Sciences, Aalborg University. JCIR is on the bibliometric authority list of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (BFI). The Journal is published online twice a year with one issue in English and one issue in Chinese.
- Journal of the European Association for Chinese StudiesThe Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that fosters academic discussion and exchange on China- and Chinese-related topics. It is organized and financed by the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS).
- Open Access LibraryOALib Journal is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering all subject areas in STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) as well as Social Sciences. The OALib Articles from the OALib Journal are stored in the Open Access Library (OALib).
- Dissertations and Theses Global This link opens in a new windowCollection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of universities. Each year hundreds of thousands of works are added. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
- Asian Digital Library: DissertationThe Asian Digital Library (BNA) aims to contribute to research and the dissemination of knowledge on East Asia. It is based largely on the resources available both in the personal libraries of scholars, on public institutional sites, individual sites, document and archival funds or even on commercial sites.
- CUHK Electronic Theses and Dissertations CollectionThe CUHK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection (the ETD Collection) holds the full-text of research degree’s theses and doctoral dissertations submitted by postgraduate students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) since 1967. It comprises more than 13,000 volumes in both English and Chinese. Searchable PDFs for the body text, abstracts and table of contents in both English and Chinese are provided.
- Dissertation ReviewsFeatures overviews of recently defended, unpublished doctoral dissertations (with a current focus on Chinese History, Japan Studies, and Korean Studies but with many more disciplines joining soon). The goal is to offer readers a glimpse of each disciplines immediate present by focusing on the window of time between dissertation defense and first book publication.
- Guojia tushuguan boshi lunwen wenku 国家图书馆博士论文文库A database of Chinese doctoral dissertations from the National Library of China. Only abstracts and table of contents are available.
- National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統“NDLTD-Taiwan“ is databse that consistently collects theses and dissertations of colleges and universities in Taiwan. The content are from 1956 to the present, covering the disciplines of the sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine, the humanities and social sciences. You need to register a free account to download the full text.
- University of Minnesota Digital ConservancyThe University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy (UDC) is a venue for faculty to deposit open access copies of their scholarly work, a showcase for select student works, such as dissertations and honors theses, a home to the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM), and centralized, searchable access to institutional digital records including those of the University of Minnesota Archives.
Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 4:48 PM