This guide is an in-depth listing of Chinese Studies resources available to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota.
Featured Databases (UMN access only)
- Bibliography of Asian StudiesSearch topics, especially in the humanities and the social sciences, on East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide. You can also find citations to journal articles, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and more.
- Center for Research LibrariesCRL holds over four million newspapers, journals, dissertations, archives, government publications and other traditional and digital resources for research and teaching. Holdings include such diverse materials as 800,000 doctoral dissertations (including those of Albert Einstein, Dag Hammarskjold and other Nobel laureates), some of the earliest African-American newspapers and the 100,000-plus-page archive of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge security force. Emphasis is on materials produced outside the United States, and the Center has special strength in publications and archives from many developing nations.
- Central Daily News (1928-1965)The Central Daily News 中央日報 was the official newspaper of the Kuomintang/Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and is one of the world's oldest Chinese-language newspapers, having been in circulation since 1928. You can search, view and download the full text of the newspaper published between 1928-1965. The interface is in Chinese.
- China, America and the PacificExplore an extensive range of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Manuscript sources, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps document this fascinating history.
- China: Culture and SocietyThe core of the database is the pamphlets held in the Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia housed in the Carl A. Kroch Library of Cornell University. Mostly in English and published between c. 1750 and 1929, these rare pamphlets form part of one of the deepest and most extensive collections of literature on China and the Chinese in the Western world. The material types include speeches, reports, catalogues, essays, letters, minutes, notes, etc.
- China: Trade, Politics & CultureWith documents encompassing events from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the Peoples Republic, this resource collects sources from nine archives to give an incredible insight into the changes in China during this period.
- China Data Online This link opens in a new windowFrom the China Data Center at the University of Michigan, this database has current and historical statistics on population and economics at the national, provincial and local level.
- China Geo-Explorer IIChina demographic and economic data, maps, charts and reports in the web-based delivery system. Data sources in this database includes demographic and business information for all PRC geographies, including 31 Provinces, 345 Prefecture Cities, 2,873 Counties, and over 50,000 Townships. Created by the University of Michigan China Data Center, in collaboration with the All China Market Research Co., Ltd and the State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS) of Wuhan University.
- China Industry ReportsProvides industry information on China. IBISWorld analysts use a variety of sources in their research ranging from the National Bureau of Statistics and industry associations, to company reports, surveys and personal contact.
- China MaxxA Chinese e-book database covering a variety of subject areas. The majority of the books were published after 1949. Full-text access is limited to purchased titles only. Purchased individual titles can also be found in the Libraries catalog. Texts can be viewed online but not downloaded. Limited printing capability. Search books by entering keywords in Chinese characters or by browsing the subject categories.
- Chinese Classic Ancient Books DatabaseAccess is limited for 2 simultaneous users.
This database (中华经典古籍库) is a full-text searchable database of 8,000+ titles (and growing) of annotated and punctuated ancient books, published mostly by Zhonghua Shu ju. It also includes both a text version and an image version. We now have access to series 1-12. The interface is in Chinese. - Chinese Periodicals Full-text, 1833-1949This database is available for 1 simultaneous user only.
全国报刊索引 includes the following modules:
Late Qing Dynasty Periodical Full-text Database 晚清期刊全文数据库 (1833-1911)
Republic of China Periodicals Full-text Database 民国时期期刊全文数据库 (1911-1949)
The Tabloids 中国近代中文报纸全文数据库-小报 (1897-1949)
Chinese and English Newspaper of Modern China – Comprehensive Collection 中国近代中文报纸全文数据库-综合专辑 - CNKI-Chinese Academic JournalChina National Knowledge Infrastructure (中国知网) includes the Chinese Academic Journal database and Century Journals Project. We have subscribed to journals in History/Literature/Philosophy and Education & Social Sciences.
- CNKI eBooksFull-text Chinese e-books covering a variety of subject areas. It has more than 15,000 titles. Newly published titles are added regularly. Full-text access is limited to purchased titles only. The first 20 pages of unpurchased books are free to read. Individual purchased titles can also be found in library catalog. Books can be downloaded in pdf format. Search books by entering keywords in Chinese characters or by browsing the subject categories.
- Dacheng Chinese Communist Party History Periodical Database ( -1949)It contains more than 300 kinds of publications founded by the CPC and founded and participated in by early Communist Party members before CPC. It includes The Communist, The Guide, The Masses, The Pioneer, Bolshevik, etc.
- Duxiu Database"Duxiu" (读秀) known as Chinese Google Scholar, is a large digital collection of Chinese language materials. It provides full-text search capability to millions of Chinese scholarly resources in many subjects and formats (books, journals, newspapers, patents, standards, dissertations, conference proceedings, etc.) Users may read book excerpts online. Document delivery via email is available for some publications. While full text is not always available due to copyright restrictions, Duxiu is a useful tool for obtaining bibliographic information for primary and secondary sources.
- EB-PISHU: China Economy, Public Policy, Security DatabaseThis database (皮书数据库) is an online database of high-value analytical reports (pishu). It represents the best of contemporary Chinese scholarship in the social sciences from cultural to economic development.
- Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980Foreign Office Files for China collection makes available all British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980. These formerly restricted British government documents, consist of diplomatic dispatches, letters, newspaper cuttings, maps, reports of court cases, biographies, summaries of events, and a variety of other materials.
- Global Perspectives: Propaganda and the Chinese Press (FBIS)Articles from the official news agency of the Peoples Republic of China, translated into English and digitized.
- Grand Secretariat ArchivesGrand Secretariat Archives (內閣大庫檔案) is a database that contains documents originally housed in the storerooms of the Grand Secretariat of the Qing dynasty (1644-1912). After 1949 these documents were kept at the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica. The entire archive contains about 310,000 items. The collection, dating from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty (1368-1912), encompasses a wide variety of subjects. For full content coverage, see "Grand Secretariat Archives - Inventory and History of Preservation". Also, portions of the archives had been published under title: Ming Qing dang an.
- Great Chinese Dictionary & Kangxi Dictionary (汉大康熙)It provides one-stop search for etymology, pronunciation, definition and documentary evidence in three Chinese language reference works: Great Chinese Dictionary, Chinese Dictionary Supplement and Kangxi Dictionary.
- Gu jin tu shu ji cheng古今圖書集成 includes all the most important classics of ancient China through the Qing Dynasty. For example: astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine and so on.
- Hytung Chinese Classical Book DatabaseSubscription cancelled with Aug. 31, 2024. Full-text access restricted to the materials made available prior to September 2024.
The Hytung Ancient Book Database covers over 16,000 ancient Chinese classical titles on a wide range of subject areas. Limited to 2 simultaneous users. - Hytung Chinese Old Periodicals DatabaseSubscription cancelled with Aug. 31, 2024. Full-text access restricted to the materials made available prior to September 2024.
As of the end of 2017, this database offers about 200 full-text searchable journals and newspaper. About 5,000 journals and newspaper are title searchable. This database can be used independently, or it can be integrated with the Hytung Ancient Book Database. Limited to two simultaneous users. - Keledge Ebook Database This link opens in a new windowKeledge is a Chinese ebook platform includes over 200 domestic publishers(keep growing) and has a collection of 200,000 titles of Chinese literature covering all academic disciplines. We have single user access to purchased ebooks on this platform. For other non-purchased titles, we only have preview access.
- Medieval Travel WritingMedieval manuscripts dating from the 13th to the 16th centuries with a focus on travel to the Holy Land, Middle East, India, and China which document attitudes of people across Europe in the medieval period, shedding light on issues of race, economics, trade, militarism, politics, literature and science. Sources detail the journeys of travelers from Marco Polo to John Capgrave, and the stories of legendary figures such as Prester John and Sir John Mandeville.
- National History Database of P.R.CAccess is limited for 10 simultaneous users.
The database (中华人民共和国国史数据库) consists of 300 volumes representing authoritative materials on the economic, social, cultural and political developments since the founding of P.R.C. - People's DailyAccess is limited for 2 simultaneous users.
People's Daily (人民日报) is the official newspaper of the central government of the People's Republic of China since 1948。 It provides the single location where the central government and the Communist Party of China announce their respective policies and disseminate governmental, political, and economic messages to the public and the world. - Scripta Sinica"Han ji dian zi wen xian zi liao ku" 漢籍電子文獻資料庫 developed and maintained by the Academia Sinica since 2000. This database contains over 441 Chinese classic titles.
- South China Morning Post (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) This link opens in a new windowIt offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes the following titles: Southchina morning post (1903-1941), South China morning post (1946-2001), South China morning post & the Hongkong telegraph (1945-1946), South China Sunday morning post (1985-2000), South China Sunday post (1950-1950), South China Sunday post-herald (1950-1972), Sunday morning post (2000-2001), and Sunday post-herald (1972-1974).
- Translations of the Peking Gazette OnlineTranslations of the Peking Gazette Online is a comprehensive database of approximately 8,500 pages of English-language renderings of official edicts and memorials from the Qing dynasty that cover China’s long nineteenth century from the Macartney Mission in 1793 to the abdication of the last emperor in 1912. As the mouthpiece of the government, the Peking Gazette is the authoritative source for information about the Manchu state and its Han subjects as they collectively grappled with imperial decline, re-engaged with the wider world, and began mapping the path to China’s contemporary rise.
- UDNdata Newspaper Database 聯合知識庫全文報紙資料庫This database provides news articles from eight newspapers, among which are five major newspapers published by the United Daily News Group. These include United Daily News, Min Sheng Daily, United Evening News, Economic Daily News, and Star News.
- Visual History ArchiveA fully streaming video collection of more than 55,000 primary source testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides, including the Armenian Genocide, the Cambodian Genocide, the Central African Republic Conflict, contemporary antisemitism, the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the Guatemalan Genocide, and the Nanjing Massacre.
Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 4:48 PM