This guide is an in-depth listing of Chinese Studies resources available to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota.
On this page
- Archives Cross Boundaries 檔案資源整合查詢平臺ACROSS (Archives Cross boundaries) was built by the National Archives Administration (NAA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in 2010, and is a database portal as a one-stop site where users can quickly search multiple databases to delve deeply into Taiwan’s history. It is also the first inter-institutional platform that provides global access services among libraries, museums, and archives in Taiwan.
- Digital Taiwan 典藏台灣Diverse collections of documents and images on historical, cultural, and institutional topics relating to Taiwan's past and present. Available in Chinese and English.
- National Taiwan University Journal Database 臺灣大學學術期刊資料庫Full-text articles of academic journals published by departments of National Taiwan University from 2002 to present. Not all articles are available to the public.
- NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature 臺灣國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網The website provides 4 kinds of indexing services:
Taiwan Periodical Literature (Search for Articles) 臺灣期刊論文索引系統
Directory to Taiwan Periodicals (Search for Journals) 中華民國出版期刊指南系統
NCL China Periodical Literature Index 漢學中心典藏大陸期刊篇目索引
Table of Contents of Chinese Literature (Monograph Series, 1946-1979) 中國文化研究論文目錄 - The Research center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學數位人文研究中心The center has already established 33 databases which comprise over 4,000,000 digital annotations (metadata), 30,000,000 images and 400 million words of original texts including Chinese documents from the Ming and Qing dynasties as well as old deeds of Taiwan. Also included are statistical reports and court archives from the period of Japanese occupation, archives of the Kuomintang (KMT) party, archives of the Taiwan Consultative Council and other institutes, newspaper clippings and old photographs.
- Synergy of Metadata Resources in Taiwan (SMRT) 臺灣書目整合查詢系統A comprehensive online catalog system used for searching titles and names among the National Library collections.
- Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences 臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引資料庫Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences (TCI-HSS) is coordinated and built up by National Central Library, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology and Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI). The main object is to establish a comprehensive index platform for academic researchers and public users in the cross discipline of the Humanity and Social Science in Taiwan.
- Taiwan Database for Empirical Legal Studies, TaDELS 臺灣法實證研究資料庫It includes the following database:
臺灣戰後中小學法治教育影像資料庫 - 網路展書讀《網路展書讀》網站為羅鳳珠教授多年文學研究之成果蒐集與呈現,2015年羅教授逝世,生前將網站捐贈給臺灣大學圖書館保存。
- 臺灣文獻叢刊資料庫A full-text, searchable database of Taiwan studies materials covering the geography, history, culture and humanities of Taiwan.It includes 309 titles and about 600 volumes. It is digitized and developed by Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica.
- 臺灣文獻整合查詢系統This database is used for searching Taiwan studies resources, operated by National Taiwan Library. It includes 5 sections:
Digital Collections
- Archive Access Service 臺灣國家檔案資訊網Archives recorded the historical tracks of a nation development in which implied the intellectual outcomes of the government continuous progresses. All records for public policies implementation of government agencies also is a kind of important cultural asset. This website provides a digital collection of Taiwan national archives.
- Archives of Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica 臺灣史研究所檔案館In 2009, the Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History was formally established so as to systematically collect, compile and digitize Taiwan-related records, and make them open for application. The Archives is responsible for collecting and preserving historical materials, supporting and deepening studies related to Taiwan.
- Digital Repository of Taiwan Provincial Assembly 臺灣省議會史料總庫Digitized archives of the Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council, dating back to 1946. It currently includes documents, communiques, proceedings, and visuals.
- National Central Library Gazette Online 政府公報資訊網The Government Gazette as a collection of major national decrees & regulations. Its purpose is to archive original military & political measures, acts & proclamations, personnel assignments & removals, minutes of meetings, etc. that are of value to researchers of modern history. National Central Library Gazette Online (NCLGO) contains over 80 gazettes published since 1912, of which 18 gazettes from ministries and commissions under the Executive Yuan have been integrated into Executive Yuan Gazette since January 2005. To date, over 6.4 million pages of scanned image and over 1.3 million metadata records had been provided on NCLGO.
- National Taiwan University Library Digital Collections 臺灣大學圖書館數位化資源Most of the collection is about the people and the history of Taiwan and the people and the history related to National Taiwan University.
- Taiwan Historica Archive 國史館臺灣文獻館文獻檔案查詢系統An online catalog and full-text archive database developed by Taiwan Historica. It holds large amount of historical governmental documents of Taiwan.
- Taiwan National Tsing Hua University Library Digital Collections 臺灣國立清華大學數位典藏The collections includes Mr. Yeh Jung-Chung's manuscripts, documents, his historical materials collection covering the time from the Japanese colonial period to the post war 1970s, Baodiao movement documents, and other valuable documents faculty.
Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 4:48 PM