A research guide for advanced Japanese studies researchers detailing Japan studies resources in English and Japanese.
On this page
- ARC地図ポータルデータベースPortal Database of Map of Japan Relations by Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.
- Atlas of Mutual Heritage: JapanA database of information, maps, drawings, prints and paintings of locations related to the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, VOC) and the Dutch West India Company (West-Indische Compagnie, WIC). It contains 86 images of Japanese maps.
- Big Ten Academic Alliance GeoportalThe Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal provides discoverability and facilitates access to geospatial resources. The resources in the portal are selected and curated by librarians and geospatial specialists at ten research institutions in the Big Ten Academic Alliance. The resources include GIS datasets, web services, and digitized historical maps. Learn more about the research institutions involved and the sources of the geospatial records.
- Early Japanese Imperial Maps of China and Korea: A DatabaseThe Library of Congress houses hundreds of original hand-drawn survey maps of the Chinese continent and the Korean Peninsula created by Japanese Army officers in the 1880s. This database provides images of these maps.
To browse the collection, please enter "agree" in the textbox and click the button "閲覧する" - GIS Maps 国土地理院地図(電子国土Web)The current map of Japan. 地形図、写真、標高、地形分類、災害情報など、日本の国土の様子を発信するウェブ地図です。地形図や写真の3D表示も可能。
- Harvard Digital Maps CollectionThis is a map collection from Harvard University. Most of the maps have free online access. It covers the maps of China, Japan, Korea, & Vietnam
- Japanese Historical MapsA collection of Japanese historical maps from the UC Berkeley digital collections.
- Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa EraUBC's one of the world's largest collections of maps and guidebooks of the Japanese Tokugawa period
- Manchester Digital Collection: Japanese MapsThis collection draws on cartographic materials from the University of Manchester Library Japanese Collection and the Maps Collection. It holds roughly 60 items: mostly maps, charts and atlases, and a limited number of material classified as chishi, or topography (encyclopaedias, guidebooks, prints, surveys) that include maps or are otherwise related to cartography.
- Maps of Japan from the Collection of Sir Hugh and Lady CortazziA database by Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.
- Marega Collection マレガ文庫The Marega Collection, preserved on the fourth floor of the Don Bosco Library, at Università Pontificia Salesiana (Rome), assembles the printed and manuscript materials collected by the Italian Salesian missionary Mario Marega (1902-1978), during his stay in Japan (from the 1930s to the 1970s). The collection includes about 2000 ukiyo-e prints, about 1000 wahon volumes, as well as several maps, dated from the Edo and Meiji periods.
- National Archives of Japan Digital Archive Maps CollectionMaps from the National Archives of Japan Digital Archive.
- NDL Digital Collections: MapsA collection from the National Diet Library. 41 maps available to the public.
- NDL Map GuideThis page provides information on how to find map materials held by the National Diet Library Tokyo Library.
- Old Maps OnlineOldMapsOnline developed out of a love of history and heritage of old maps. The project began as a collaboration between Klokan Technologies GmbH, Switzerland and The Great Britain Historical GIS Project based at the University of Portsmouth, UK.
- Rare Books and Maps On Japan in European LanguageA database of books and maps by International Research Center for Japanese Studies, featuring Japan related entries written in European Languages mostly published in or before 1854.
- UC Berkeley Japanese Historical MapsThis Japanese Historical Maps Collection is a selection of the Japanese collections at the UC Berkeley East Asian Library.
- 日文研所蔵の地図資料画像The International Research Center for Japanese Studies has a rich digital collection of modern Japanese urban maps. They have recently made it open to public.
- 東洋文庫画像データベース 中華帝国図等A collection of western maps mostly on China acquired by the Toyo Bunko in 1917. It also includes some maps on Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and Asia.
Gaihozu 外邦図
- Gaihozu: Japanese Imperial mapsStanford University Libraries holds a large collection of Japanese military and imperial maps, referred to as gaihozu, or "maps of outer lands." These maps were produced starting in the early Meiji (1868-1912) era and the end of World War II by the Land Survey Department of the General Staff Headquarters, the former Japanese Army.
- Gaihozu: Maps of the Areas outside the Japanese Territory Prepared by Former Japanese ArmyCreated by Tohoku University, this website provides graphical data and bibliographical information of “Gaihozu.”
- Gaihozu Collection of Ochanomizu University お茶の水女子大学外邦図コレクションGaihozu are maps of areas outside the Japanese territory, such as China, Manchuria, Southeast Asia, and Pacific Ocean islands, which were prepared and reproduced by the General Staff Office of the former Japanese Army from the Meiji Era until the end of World War II. The gaihozu collection of Ochanomizu University consists of approximately 13,000 pieces, making it the largest of its kind among universities in Japan.
- Gaihozu Guide by NDLA Gaihozu guide by the National Diet Library.
- Gaihozu Guide by University of WashingtonThis guide includes a list of institutions Holding Gaihozu and Gaihozu resources.
- Big Ten Academic Alliance GeoportalThe Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal provides discoverability and facilitates access to geospatial resources. The resources in the portal are selected and curated by librarians and geospatial specialists at ten research institutions in the Big Ten Academic Alliance. The resources include GIS datasets, web services, and digitized historical maps. Learn more about the research institutions involved and the sources of the geospatial records.
- GIS Maps 国土地理院地図(電子国土Web)The current map of Japan. 地形図、写真、標高、地形分類、災害情報など、日本の国土の様子を発信するウェブ地図です。地形図や写真の3D表示も可能。
- Historical Data by region 歴史地域統計データCreated and maintained by Tsukuba University.
- A Short Guide to GSI Japan for Non-Japanese-Speaking UsersBy Matthew Hayes.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:39 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/japan_advanced