A research guide for advanced Japanese studies researchers detailing Japan studies resources in English and Japanese.
Featured Databases (UMN access only)
- Asahi Shinbun DigitalUse this for daily updates, news, and analysis of Japanese and Asian politics, business, social trends, travel, and more from The Asahi Shimbun. Limited to 5 simultaneous users.
- Bibliography of Asian StudiesSearch topics, especially in the humanities and the social sciences, on East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide. You can also find citations to journal articles, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and more.
- Complete Database for Japanese Magazine and Periodicals from the Meiji Era to the PresentIndex to periodical articles published in Japanese, including those in former Japanese colonies, and local periodicals not present in many other indexes. Coverage is from Meiji Era to the present. Limited to 55 simultaneous users.
- ForeignAffairs.comForeign Affairs is a leading magazine & website covering American foreign policy & international relations. It is relevant for assignments & research projects about policy, political science, economics, public health, & other global issues.
- Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919-1952Collection of diplomatic dispatches, correspondence, maps, summaries of events and diverse other material from the British Foreign Office files dealing with Japan between 1919 and 1952.
- JapanKnowledge LibThe database connects you to multiple resources including Japanese and English language dictionaries for modern and classical terms, historic chronology, general encyclopedias, news, Japanese names and biographies, business quarterly reports, law dictionaries, and multimedia. Searches can be done in English or Japanese with results in either language depending on what resources were searched.
- Japan Times Archives, 1897-2021The Japan Times is Japan's oldest English language newspaper and the country's only independent English-language newspaper today. The digital archive allows you to search the full text of all issues of The Japan Times published between March 1897 and 2021.
- Kikuzo II Visual: Asahi Shinbun Kiji DetabesuA newspaper database for Asahi shinbun containing 8 million articles (as of January, 2009) published from 1879 to present. Also includes articles from the weekly magazines Aera and Shūkan Asahi, and from the annual new-word dictionary Chiezō.
- MagazinePlusAccess is limited for 3 simultaneous users.The largest searchable database in Japan with over 7 million records. In addition to the zasshi kiji sakuin (Japanese Periodicals Index) since 1975, this database includes a wide range of scholarly, general interest, business, and sports periodicals. The database permits searches by keyword, author, publication title, or publisher. It does not provide full-text access.
- Meiji JapanMeiji Japan provides digital access to the papers of Edward Sylvester Morse (1838-1925), an American polymath notable for his work in natural history, ethnography, archaeology and art history. Morse taught at Tokyo Imperial University in the 1870s and travelled extensively in Japan, recording his experiences in great detail and maintaining a deep interest in the country and its culture for the remainder of his life. This resource provides insights into Japan during the Meiji Era (1868-1912).
- Yomidas RekishikanOnline newspaper resource covering Yomiuri shinbun (1874 to the present: image format from 1874 to 1989; full text 1986 to the present) and the English edition, Daily Yomiuri (Sept. 1989 to the present). Both newspapers are searchable by article, keyword, subject category, and issue. Charts and photographs are not included. Also includes biographical information on 26,000 people.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:39 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/japan_advanced