A research guide for advanced Japanese studies researchers detailing Japan studies resources in English and Japanese.
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Digital Collections
- Birth of the Constitution of JapanThe National DietLibrary's online exhibition "Birth of the Constitution of Japan" presents the major events and important documents involved in the framing and enactment of Japan's Constitution.The exhibition was updated on May 3, 2004 with the addition of 81 new documents and a new section of main issues.
- Digital Archive of the Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy (1867-1912) 日本外交文書デジタルコレクションFull text foreign ministry documents; in Japanese
- Documents of IrikiDocuments of the Iriki family covering 1135 to 1867 translated into English
- Heian-Period Chronicles (Old Diaries, Historical Documents) 摂関期古記録Database in kundoku (“Japanese” or explanatory reading) of the full texts of diaries and other old records from the middle part of the Heian period.
- Historical Figure Image 歴史人物画像データベースA database of images of primarily classical characters up to the Meiji period from illustrated biographies contained in classical Japanese works.
- Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR)JACAR has built and operates an online database for releasing Asian historical records, that are historical documents of Japan concerning to the modern Japanese relations with other countries, particularly those in Asia. The documents of the archive are provided by the National Archives of Japan, the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and the National Institute for Defense Studies of the Ministry of Defense of Japan.
- Japanese Historical Text ArchiveJapanese historical texts dating from the ancient chronicles to Meiji period documents; includes English translations. For password-protected text, please email jhti@berkeley.edu for user ids and passwords.
- Japanese SugorokuSugoroku refers to a kind of Japanese board game.
- Manchukuo related postcards of Harvard-Yenching LibrarySome 2400 cards are now digitized.
- National Diet Library Digital Collections 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションThis is a page that has a collection of digitized documents published since the Meiji era.
- NDL Modern Japanese political history materials 憲政資料A digital collection of Modern Japanese political history materials. Full-text available for most of the materials.
- University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute Databases 東京大学史料編纂所Most extensive digital archive for Japanese history includes the Dai Nihon Shiryo, all 3 sections of the Komonjo and much more
- 熊野古道関係の古書等の資料熊野古道(紀伊道、中辺路、大辺路)をより楽しんで頂くために参考資料として使って頂ければ幸いです。縦書きは、割り書や傍書がうまく入れられないので「 」や( )で表しています。
WWII & Atomic Bombings
- Barbara Reynolds Memorial ArchivesThe most extensive collection of interdisciplinary materials related to the legacy of nuclear war in the United States, housed in the Peace Resource Center of Wilmington College.
- Hiroshima Archive“Hiroshima Archive” is a pluralistic digital archive using the digital earth to display on it in a multilayered way all the materials gained from such sources as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, the Hiroshima Jogakuin Gaines Association, and the Hachioji Hibakusha (A-bomb Survivors) Association. Beyond time and space, the user can get a panoramic view over Hiroshima to browse survivors’ accounts, photos, maps, and other materials as of 1945, together with aerial photos, 3D topographical data, and building models as of 2010. The archive aims to promote multifaceted and comprehensive understanding of the reality of atomic bombing.
- Memories of Hiroshima & Nagasaki"Memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki--Messages from Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors)" is a website that makes available to the public first-hand accounts written by hibakusha.
- The Nazi War Crime and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working GroupThe Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG) locates, identifies, inventories, and recommends for declassification, currently classified U.S. records relating to Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes. Once declassified, these records are released to the American public. The group, consisting of high-level representatives from federal agencies and public members, was established by the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act.
- NHK War Testimonial ArchivesMedia on Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic bombings.
Japanese American
- Japanese American Archival CollectionThe collection was created in 1994 with a gift of photographs, documents and artifacts from the teaching materials of Mary Tsukamoto.The collection owned by California State University, Sacramento Library provides valuable insights into the history of Japanese American communities in northern California, particularly in the town of Florin, California from the late 19th century and into the 20th century. The collection contains significant documentation related to the internment of Japanese born and Japanese American individuals during World War II.
- Japanese American National MuseumThe over 150,000 objects that comprise the JANM permanent collection chronicle the Japanese American experience in its entirety from early immigration to the present. Artifacts related to early immigration to the United States at the turn of the 20th century, early life in Japanese American communities, and the World War II incarceration experience and military service are strengths of the collection.
- Japanese American Relocation Digital Archive (JARDA)The Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives (JARDA) contains thousands of primary sources documenting Japanese American internment, including: Personal diaries, letters, photographs, and drawings; US War Relocation Authority materials, including camp newsletters, final reports, photographs, and other documents relating to the day-to-day administration of the camps; And personal histories documenting the lives of the people who lived in the camps, as well as of the administrators who created and worked there.
- Japanese Relocation and InternmentA list of resources from NARA on Japanese Relocation and Internment.
- Society and Culture Digital CollectionThe Society and Culture Collection is an ongoing digital collection of historical images primarily from Washington State. The images cover a variety of political, cultural and social topics. These include: Japanese and Chinese Americans; the World War II Japanese internment camps of Camp Harmony (Puyallup) and Minidoka (Idaho); labor and politics; prohibition; legislative assemblies; women; socialist colonies in Washington State; leisure activities such as camping, hiking and mountaineering.
- War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945The War Relocation Authority (WRA) records represent the official documentation of the United States agency created to assume jurisdiction over the Japanese and Japanese Americans evacuated from California, Oregon, and Washington by the Western Defense Command, the Fourth Army, and the Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA) during January/February of 1942. During its existence from March 1942 to 1946, the WRA controlled the administration of the relocation centers, administered an extensive resettlement program, and oversaw the details of the registration and segregation programs. Included in their records are administrative files, official publications, reports and surveys, legal papers, correspondence, and photographs and scrapbooks.
- Buddhist Studies Time Authority Databases 時間規範檢索This tool, developed by the Dharma Drum Buddhist College, covers the period from 220 BC to 1912 AD. It can also convert years from the Chinese calendar into western, Japanese and Korean years, and from western to Chinese, Japanese and Korean years.
- Calendars and ErasA calendar converted that can be used for converting the calendars of different countries and historical periods.
- Chinese Measurements Conversion 中国学用単位系の換算Measurements converter used to convert traditional Chinese measurements.
- Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program: CDDP Video SeriesThe CDDP Video Series offers instructional videos on freely available resources and cutting-edge projects related to Japanese Studies, highlighting useful tools and best practices.
- Japan Biographical DatabaseThe Japan Biographical Database (JBDB) is a database aimed at accumulating information on historical figures related to Japan. The project is part of the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” (NIJL-NW project).
To enter and edit data, you will need to obtain a user account and log in. - Japanese Year ConverterHandy tool to convert Japanese calendar years to western and western to Japanese. In English.
- NII Nengo Seireki Henkan 年号/西暦変換Handy tool to convert Japanese calendar years to western and western to Japanese. In Japanese, by National Institute of Informatics.
- Notable Japanese Collections in North AmericaThe purpose of this website is to help scholars and librarians identify notable Japanese Studies collections in North American libraries and cultural institutions. It also serves as a pilot project toward building a comprehensive database that charts all print and digital materials, including unprocessed or partially processed collections, held at North American research organizations.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:39 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/japan_advanced