A research guide for advanced Japanese studies researchers detailing Japan studies resources in English and Japanese.
Language Learning Tools
- (ios app) Hiragana/Katakana Memory HintA smart phone app developed by the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai, to help students learn Japanese.
- Japanese in Anime & Manga アニメ・マンガの日本語This is an e-learning site that offers a fun way to learn a number of character/genre-based Japanese expressions which appear in anime and manga.
- Kanji AliveA free study tool for reading and writing kanji, Kanji alive is a web application designed to help Japanese language students of all levels learn to read and write kanji. All of the content in the application was created and reviewed with great attention to detail by Japanese instructors to help students best study, practice, and retain kanji. Supported by the Center for East Asian Studies' Committee on Japanese Studies.
- Kanji ConverterConvert Kanji (漢字) and Websites to Romaji or Hiragana and translate Japanese to English, too.
- MARUGOTO+MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language and culture based on the contents of the "MARUGOTO: Japanese Language and Culture", the official coursebook of the Japan Foundation, which complies to the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education.
- ひらひらのひらがなめがねIf you enter the URL of a Japanese website. The system adds hiragana or the kanji
- 東京外国語大学 会話モジュールLearn conversations from videos.
- 相づち:たのしい会話への鍵かぎAizuchi (back-channeling): A key to smooth conversation
Online Picture Books
- Digital Ehon Site 絵本のページ (日本の昔話)An online website that provides a collection of picture books on Japanese folk tales.
- Digital Nara Ehon Library デジタル奈良絵本A list of links of Nara ehon (picture books) and emaki (picture scrolls) that are available online.
- Kokugakuin University Library Nara Ehon and Emakimono 国学院大学図書館デジタルライブラリー:奈良絵本・絵巻物A collection of Nara Ehon and Emakimono.
- Les Nara ehon de la BnFNara ehon at the French National Library.
- Nara Ehon and Emaki Collection 慶應義塾大学奈良絵本・絵巻コレクションA digital collection by Keio University. Nara ehon are illustrated manuscripts produced from the late Muromachi to early Edo period. The illustrations typically used bright colors, such as a vermillion and green, with gold and silver leaf and distemper. The content consists mainly of short stories written from the Muromachi to early Edo period which belong to the genre of Otogi zoshi, including Urashima Taro.
- New Naraehon Database 新奈良絵本データベースA database of original text images of Naraehon (19 picture books) held by NIJL.
Online Videos and Audios
- Internet Real Radio Hita in Japanラジオ童話「日田の昔話」A radio broadcast telling the old folk tales.
- iTunes Podcast: On The Way Journal オンザウェイ・ジャーナル (Japan FM Network)This podcast covers a variety of topics in the media.
- iTunes Podcast: Radio-ban Gakumon no Susume ラジオ版 学問のススメ Special Editons (Japan FM Network)This is an educational podcast featuring an interview with a different personality every week, ranging from news broadcasters to athletes, novelists, and philosophers. Its motto is "things you either forgot or never learned in school." Regularly updated, approx. one hour per episode.
- News in Slow JapaneseA podcast of news in slow Japanese.
- Old Tales Radio ラジオ昔ばなしThis (old story) old-fashioned reading broadcast is an internet radio station that delivers reading aloud on a weekly basis, which was established to foster a beautiful heart and rich imagination for children. It is operated by Tea Step.
- Web Japan: Japan Video TopicsJapan Video Topics offers a comprehensive view of Japanese culture, nature, science and technology and tourism etc.
- おはなしのくにA website of folk tale story videos made for young children to learn Japanese. Made by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation). Japanese learners can use it to listen and practice Japanese.
Reference Resources
- JishoJisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily.
- Kanji Jiten Net 漢字辞典ネットFree online dictionary for kanji. It also offers the lists of 1) commonly used kanji (常用漢字); 2) kanji for people's names (人名用漢字); 3) of radicals (部首); and 4) of difficult kanji (難読漢字).
- Nihongo e na: Portal for Learning JapaneseNavigates you to find Japanese language study website and apps.
- POPjisyoA free Japanese English translator that can pick out and provide information on individual words and phrases.
- 音訳の部屋 読み方辞典「音訳の部屋ー読み方辞典」は音訳者・点訳者、読みを必要としている方のために制作した多くの読み方辞典です。漢字の読み方調査、記号・単位・略語の読み方調べ等にお使い下さい。
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024 11:10 PM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/japan_advanced