Japanese Studies Advanced Guide

A research guide for advanced Japanese studies researchers detailing Japan studies resources in English and Japanese.

Tadoku (多読): Extensive reading in Japanese

What is Tadoku?

Tadoku recommends everyone to start with extremely easy books that are both enjoyable and informative. They come with many pictures and audio recording so you don’t have to have Japanese at all at the start. You will enjoy them so much that you will want to read more. By and by, reading texts becomes fun and your Japanese gets better and better both in reading and speaking. (tadoku.org)

Tadoku Levels

Tadoku Level JLPT Level Vocabulary Length Grammar Points
0 N5 350 ~400 Present form, past form, interrogative, ~たい, etc.
※です and ます endings in the main.
1 N5 350 400-1,500 Present form, past form, interrogative, ~たい, etc.
※です and ます endings.
2 N4 500 1,500-3,000 Dictionary form, て-form, ない-form, nominal modification, ~と(conditional), ~から(cause), ~なる, ~のだ, etc.
3 N3 800 2,500-6,000

Potential form, imperative form, ~とき, ~たら・ば・なら, ~そう(appearance), ~よう(conjecture, metaphor), compound verb, etc.

4 N3 & N2 1,300 5,000-15,000

Causative form, causative passive form, ~そう(information), ~らしい, ~はず, ~もの, ~ようにする/なる, ~ことにする/なる, etc.

5 N2 & N1 2,000 8,000-25,000 Function words, compound words, idiomatic expressions, honorific expressions such as ~わけにはいかない/~につれて/切り開く/召し上がる/伺う。


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Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:39 AM