A research guide for advanced Japanese studies researchers detailing Japan studies resources in English and Japanese.
Digital Collections and Databases
- Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection (EDMC) 震災文庫There have been produced various materials and references about catastrophic damage, rescue, recovery, and so forth about the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake since right after the January 17 of 1995. The number of paper publication is becoming tremendous including published books, miscellany, resume, and advertising catalog. Kobe University library collect the materials about the earthquake disaster as many as possible, and make it available to the public.
- Japan Disasters Digital ArchiveJapan Disasters Digital Archive (JDA) is an advanced search engine for archived materials from all over the web, individuals’ testimonials, tweets, prominently including content from international partners who are building digital repositories about the disasters.
- Kobe University Library Pre-Modern Japanese Works 神戸大学附属図書館 日本の古典籍Digitized images of Pre-Modern Japanese Works (created until 1868 and written by Japanese authors) held by Kobe University Library are available here, including disciplines such as medicine, humanities, science, social science, etc.
- Ochanomizu University Library Math Book Collection お茶の水女子大学附属図書館所蔵和算資料コレクションA digital collection of Math books held at Ochanomizu University Library.
- Setonaikai Seaweed Specimen Database 瀬戸内海海藻類標本データベースAs a part of Kobe Digital library enterprise, we database-ize the seaweed specimens saved in Kobe University Research Center for Island Seas (Awaji-cho, Tsuna-gun, Hyogo-ken) and carry out network public presentation widely. From the specimens saved in the center, the specimens which differs in a kind, the collection ground, and collection years were database-ized.The typical pictures and typical collection information of 529 specimens (228 kinds) are exhibited.
- Sumida Maritime Materials Collection 住田文庫"Sumida Maritime Materials Collection" is a library of 6500 old Chinese books translated into Japanese about marine transport and topography, which Mr.Shoichi Sumida(1892-1968), known as researcher into "Kaisenshikimoku" or editor of "Kaijishiryosousho", collected by about Taisho 14, and presented at Taisho 15 to Government Kobe High Commercial School, the predecessor of Kobe University, and it includes block printing books, manuscripts, old documents, old records, and old maps etc. of the Edo era.
- 歴史都市防災研究所所蔵資料 画像データベースImage Database of DMUCH Collection by Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:39 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/japan_advanced