Instrument and Voice Guides

This guide covers search tools for finding orchestral and voice materials.

The Music Library doesn't have something you're looking for? Try Interlibrary Loan!

If the University Libraries doesn't have the book, score, or recording you need, we can borrow it for you from another library! To place a request through our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system:

  • Visit the University Libraries homepage at and click on "Interlibrary Loan" (located under the heading "Popular Services"); this will take you to the Interlibrary Loan page (

    An image of the University Libraries website with a red circle around the link for the Interlibrary Loan link.

  • Next, click on the link that says "WorldCat FirstSearch"; this is a catalog that allows users to search and borrow from libraries all over the world:

    An image of the University Libraries Interlibrary Loan page with a red circle around the link for WorldCat.

  • After logging into WorldCat with your University ID and password, search by keyword using the Basic Search options or use the features in Advanced Search to limit your results by type of material (including recordings or scores):

    An image of the WorldCat Advanced Search interface. The Advanced Search tab is circled in red, and red arrows are pointing to the options to limit search results to Sound Recordings or Musical Scores.

  • Once you've found an item you'd like to borrow, click the "Request via Interlibrary Loan" link:

    An image of a WorldCat item record, with a red arrow pointing to the "Request via ILL" link

  • Last step: You'll see a University Libraries page where you can confirm the details of the item you'd like to borrow and specify where you'd like to pick it up - including at the Music Library! 

    An image of the University Libraries ILL request form with the Delivery Option menu extended and the Music Library option highlighted.

Need a digital copy of an article from a journal or magazine? We can get this for you through Interlibrary Loan!

The first step in searching for journal and magazine articles is to enter the title, author, and other keywords into the Libraries search box on the top of any University Libraries page. If we don't have access to the item you need, we can get a copy for you through Interlibrary Loan!

  • Next, click on the "Article" box under the "Create a Request" heading:

    An image of the University Libraries Interlibrary Loan page with a red arrow pointing to the option for "Article."

  • Fill out the form with as much information as you have about the article. If you need help completing this form, contact Music Librarian Jessica Abbazio (!

Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 2:41 PM